Technical transformation and upgrading services for laser cutting machines

Do you really understand laser CNC cutting machines

The laser CNC cutting machine has a fully enclosed structure combined with a dust removal system, making production more environmentally friendly, with high-definition cameras, intuitive processing, safe operation, and controllable process.

Laser CNC cutting machines have the characteristics of fast cutting speed and small cutting gaps during the cutting process. Other cutting machines may lead to limited actual cutting speed, large cutting seams, uneven surfaces, etc., while laser CNC cutting machines can eliminate various unnecessary factors in plasma CNC machine tools, so this is also the machine that can achieve the best results. So its application is also very extensive, playing an essential role in our daily life and industrial production. Laser cutting machines have many product features that ensure the high-speed and stable selection of laser CNC cutting machines during the process. Fiber lasers with different powers can cut various technologies and materials, and high-speed and precise drilling, combined with a follow-up dynamic focusing device, can maintain consistent cutting quality during this process. It is a cost-effective large format laser cutting machine, which is widely used in the market.

The laser CNC cutting machine has a fully enclosed structure combined with a dust removal system, making production more environmentally friendly, with high-definition cameras, intuitive processing, safe operation, and controllable process.

Features of laser CNC cutting machine products:

  1. The cyclone type semi hollow plate welded bed has a small heating area, avoiding the bed from being deformed due to long-term high temperature, providing strong guarantee for customers to achieve long-term batch cutting of medium and thick plates;
  2. High pressure cast aluminum beam, with good dynamic performance, strong deformation resistance, light weight, high strength, and more durability, can achieve higher dynamic response and improve processing efficiency;
  3. Dual motor exchange workbench, stable and fast exchange, precise positioning and locking;
  4. Fully sealed with positive pressure protection, the bed is divided into left and right zones for ventilation, with butterfly valve control for stronger suction and smoother smoke exhaust;
  5. Segmented modular chemical workstation, easy to disassemble and replace, no obstruction to production, efficient, time-saving, and safe production;
  6. High power specialized intelligent cutting head, brand motor, reducer, guide rail, rack, with better quality and stability, ensuring long-term stable cutting performance of the machine;
  7. Dedicated high-power cutting gas path, precise control of gas flow, more excellent cutting process, and significant improvement in production and processing efficiency.


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